Monday, January 14, 2008

Good workers are priceless!

Craigslist is a miracle. Well, let's hope it is! haha, I put up an ad at around 6:00PM tonight and by 10:00 I had two calls and two emails from people interested in the position I offered!

I put up an ad, " Looking for female telemarketers to place Charity Vending Machines ." Anyway, this is great. I have one girl who is very interested, and one guy who asked if he could do it even though he wasn't a female, haha. This is great. I love good workers!

So, now I may have new people working for me to find locations. Once I get a few people setup I may expand my advertisements! This is just exciting people!

I have been considering hiring a telemarketing firm to test out how it would work in my business but I think it may be too costly. We shall see, we shall see. Here I go! Any suggestions?


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