Monday, January 14, 2008

It's all about the Benjamins

Well, I have been posting on forums trying to solicit business and something has come to my attention! There is a company that gives 10 locations for $250 or $30 per location for less than 10.

This brings something to me that I have been thinking about.

#1 Do I need to offer a discount for more than 1 location? It's all about the customer, so if you want it, I want it. I'm thinking about it.

As far as the $2 difference between me and the other guy. It's really a $7 difference because they offer a warranty with their locations. My warranty doesn't go in effect until the $37 plan. I think to me, maybe one of the problems is that I am paying too much for my locations to begin with. However, I also question this company and the speed/efficiency of how they work.

I guess my question is. Do I undercut the market, or differentiate myself?


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