Saturday, January 12, 2008

My First Post

Well approximately two weeks ago I started thinking that I could run my own locating company. Now I have been in bulk vending for approximately 6 months. I started with 10 machines and got all the way up to 100. You can check out my bulk vending blog at which eventually turned into my forum that you can now visit at Anyway...

I have 4 clients now. I might as well tell the names and problems right off the bat.

Hector - He lives in a town called Weston Florida. I have been having a lot of trouble finding him locations. The first 5 locations went through fine but after those it has been very hard to find them. I have a new girl working on Weston, FL on Monday! Let's hope!

Benjie - I'm working on him. I'm not sure where he lives because I just have zip codes. I found him one location and it got turned down and now we are working on more. It has been kind of difficult. But, I got more zip codes so we are working for him on Monday. Again, let's hope.

Rene - I have found him 5 locations and they are all good. No problems.

Now see, right here is why you know I have a problem. I have 4 clients and I only know 3 of them, lol. I need better records. Right now I just have been doing everything through email. What a mess! I need some type of client database. However, I have been saving everyone's email and inputting them into that way I can send out newsletters and stuff. I have had approximately 10 inquires from my site - From there you can fill out a form for more information. Like I said, 10 inquires so far.

My advertising budget has consisted of $25 so far for If you visit there you will see my banner. That is $25 a month. I need to start asking people where they heard about me. I also get referrals from I know the owner and we have become friends so he refers me business, great!

I had a client call me today and actually order 14 locations on the website but he has yet to pay for them. Again, let's hope!

There is so much to say but I'm going to stop there. Bulk vending locating is not quite as easy as I thought it would be, but there is a market out there, for sure! Talk soon, I hope I peek some interest out there.

Rob - The Locationator :p

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