Tuesday, January 29, 2008

locating companies for bulk vending

Locating companies for bulk vending, there are many and today I'm going to review one man in particular.

His name is Bernie and he is the best in person bulk vending locator I have ever met. Not only are his rates reasonable but he is fast, honest, and works with you to secure you the locations you want.

At one point he ran one of the premier locating firms in the US but recently he has begun his own operation. He loves, it, he even brings his kid and wife along with him when he locates. Talk about motivation to get things done quick, haha!

Of course, if you want Bernie to be your locator in person you need to have at least 100 machines that need to be located. He will then fly out and do it in person. Of course, I can book Bernie for you! Just shoot me a request on http://www.kickstartlocations.com/contactus.sc and I can put the two of you in contact.

Good Locating companies for bulk vending are sparse on the internet and I retain that we are the best!

Robert Patterson, President

Monday, January 28, 2008

vending locating companies

There are many of us vending locating companies out there. In fact, I'm not quite sure where the locating process makes its jump to truly large corporate accounts.

As far as I can tell there are those of us who do primarily bulk vending locations. Then there are those who do mostly Soda / Snack machine locations. Obviously the Soda / Snack is a higher grossing business, however, I would assume the margins between bulk and soda / snack are approximately the same.

Actually, many bulk vending locating companies make the jump to soda and snack locating. My buddy who runs a locating firm with expected gross revenues in 2008 of $300,000 is making the move over to soda and snack machine locations. He also does massage table locations, ATM, and more.

One of these days I will begin reviewing bulk locating companies just for fun. But, needless to say I have spoken with and or used many of the locating firms in the US. And http://www.kickstartlocations.com is the best!

One thing that differentiates me from most bulk locating firms is this. I'm a Vendor turned Locating company. Most locating companies are Locators turned Locating companies. I'll say that again in case you're confused.

ME = Vendor turned Locating Company.
Others = Locator turned Locating Company.

What's the difference you ask? I'm in tune with vendors. I know what they want and I know how to provide. I realize that this business isn't about finding locations, it's about appeasing customers, making them smile, and finally making a little money.

Locators turned Locating companies generally don't work out. These people began their career most likely being contacted by someone like me looking for an employee. Then they began locating and found they were good at it. Now they want to start their own company. But they are doing it ass backwards. They don't know the business, they only know the result.

More Later.

Robert Patterson, President

Sunday, January 27, 2008

getting busy..

Well, I talked to two clients today, and it's a SATURDAY! Well, it is Sunday now, I'm up that late. Anyway, my first client wants two soda machines located.

If anyone out there is reading this. I need soda and snack machine locators. Help wanted!

I added the soda and snack option to my website because I didn't want to miss out on business, but then I realized I have no experience in this department! What to do? FIND PEOPLE WHO DO HAVE EXPERIENCE! That is what being a businessman is about, gathering those people whom have more knowledge and experience and tethering them to yourself. That's what I'm doing, I'm going to find myself a good soda and snack locator by Monday!

He hasn't paid yet, but he requested I send him a contract and he said he would do two machines for $250 each. Let's hope, he seems like a demanding client, just the kind I like!

Two or more updates on the website. The two big changes were the logo, now I'm using a crystal looking globe, and I changed a banner in the site. Anyway, the site is looking much better!

I just realized I have 5 clients that I'm working on right now! This is getting crazy. Did I mention I'm getting my MBA right now? That I have graduate business school full time?! Thank God I don't have another job. Wish me luck.

Robert Patterson, President

Friday, January 25, 2008

vending locating companies

Vending Locating Companies, I must say, the reason I am writing on this topic is because the search keyword "vending locating companies" is so prevalent in Google that it would be a shame miss visitors.

So there it is, and I'll say it a few different ways, we're going to talk about vending locating companies, locating vending companies, companies who locate vending machines, and vending machine vending locators.

Let's talk about the word "Locators" Do you need to have an ' before the s? For instance "Bulk Vending Locator's" Is that the correct form? I'm really not sure. I think we actually invented the word locator.

Anyway, I got off on a tangent. I've been messing with keywords and trying to get my site high up on the search engines. Particularly Google.com Maybe this will help. Tomorrow, I'm going to talk about the different companies and how they operate and my experiences with them!

Bulk Vending Machine Locator << Must get that last search word in!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

New SLOGAN, New Offerings, New Clients!

Well, I have had several clients inquire about soda and snack machine locations. I said sure, I'll do them but I have nothing formal over at my site. So tonight I decided hey, I'll add soda and snack machine locating.

Now I have the Platinum Soda/Snack option for $299.99 an incredible deal! I think so anyway. It is at the bottom of the page. I had to change the Welcome message a bit to work with the new locating services, etc, but I think this is going to be great.

Now my new SLOGAN, I AM EXCITED.. It's simple, it's classy, it's..

"We Locate for Less!" What do you think? Good? Obviously you can tell I'm excited about it and I'm going to change my banners and advertisements everywhere to reflect the new slogan.

New clients. Well I had two new clients this past week. One for two locations, he wanted to locate carousel machines that offer 4 different types of candy. The other lady wanted to locate 7 double head machines and she chose the silver package.

That's it for now.

Rob - Locating for Less!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

sometimes you just need to sit back, relax, and enjoy the show

But today is just not one of those days. First I talk to one of my girls this morning who already wants a pay raise (Yes Fran, I'm speaking of you!). Let's be honest, there is a lot of money to be made in this industry. And, I give her credit for realizing that. However, there are expenses, warranty's to cover, websites to keep up, advertising efforts to pay for, and of course my own effort must be rewarded as well. Anyway, that's why CEO's make so much right, because they deal with all that stuff!

Locations, Locations, Locations. I am a for sale bulk vending locator not a free sale bulk vending locator. In that notion let me tell you the second story this morning ,well it began yesterday.

Yesterday afternoon a client calls me and tells me that the 5 locations I gave him were no good. He said the owners wouldn't accept the machines when he brought them in. Well, I checked up this morning. I had one of my girls call and see if he had really brought the machines in, answer: No.

So she's mad because she works on commission and I'm mad because I work on commission. And I'm sure he's going to be mad when we finally speak on the phone for some reason. I called him and left a voice mail. I said that when we give out locations that he is expected to place the machine. Wish me luck, and any advice would be much appreciated.


Monday, January 21, 2008

Adding products and SEO

Today I had an inquiry about Carousel Machines with 4 vending options. I told him yes, I'll do it, how about adding $10 to the price of the triple plans. He thought that was fair and he purchased two locations tonight. Good deal. I think I may need to add the 4 head machines to my site. It's going to get a little bulky if I keep adding stuff, maybe differentiating sections or something. I'll figure it out. I've also been messing with the site, making small changes, I think it's looking somewhat better.

SEO = Search Engine Optimization. I'm working on this as well. It's all about links and valuable content. I'm not sure what other content I'm going to add to my site but I am going to add some type of information. I have also hired someone to help bring my site to the top of the search engines! Let's hope.

I have been getting a lot of inquiries about locating, plus I'm working on getting a big account with another vending company. If that happens things may really jump! Wish me luck.


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Today was very productive!

I have made vast improvements to my website! Check it out.


There are more improvements to come. One step at a time! Now all my products are on the front page which makes things very accessible and clear. I also added an About Us section which describes in detail how my operation works. Plus, I changed the introduction paragraph. I made it more personable and told the truth, I think.

Anyway, check out the site, let me know if you think I need to change anything, I will do it!


Staying Busy!

I got my largest order yesterday thus far, 17 locations in Broward County. That is exciting. I think I may begin to expand my advertisements. I am also considering offering a special deal to people in certain vending forums. We shall see.

Oh, I am really contemplating adding bulk packages to my website offerings. Discounts for 10 locations or more. This will not only help grow my business by giving an incentive for people to buy more locations at a time, but it will allow me to give a discount to those who have a lot of machines to place.

More on Craigslist. I have been overwhelmed with calls. In fact I have begun weeding people out. I think my sales pitch on Craigslist has a few key selling points; 1. You get $15 per lead that you generate. 2. You are working to support children with cancer.

Here is a link to my ad: http://fortmyers.craigslist.org/sls/539109345.html

My most promising new worker is a lady by the name of Fran. She has telemarketing and sales experience, plus I feel she has the motivation and inspiration to get jobs done. She also has a great voice on the telephone. We will see, Good luck Fran! I put her on her first job already today!

I need to start sending out thank you notes to referrals. I have one big referrer and I want to send a present of some sort. Any ideas? He runs a business as well, so maybe something business oriented? Or some sort of special food? I don't know, I'll figure something out.


Monday, January 14, 2008

Good workers are priceless!

Craigslist is a miracle. Well, let's hope it is! haha, I put up an ad at around 6:00PM tonight and by 10:00 I had two calls and two emails from people interested in the position I offered!

I put up an ad, " Looking for female telemarketers to place Charity Vending Machines ." Anyway, this is great. I have one girl who is very interested, and one guy who asked if he could do it even though he wasn't a female, haha. This is great. I love good workers!

So, now I may have new people working for me to find locations. Once I get a few people setup I may expand my advertisements! This is just exciting people!

I have been considering hiring a telemarketing firm to test out how it would work in my business but I think it may be too costly. We shall see, we shall see. Here I go! Any suggestions?


It's all about the Benjamins

Well, I have been posting on forums trying to solicit business and something has come to my attention! There is a company that gives 10 locations for $250 or $30 per location for less than 10.

This brings something to me that I have been thinking about.

#1 Do I need to offer a discount for more than 1 location? It's all about the customer, so if you want it, I want it. I'm thinking about it.

As far as the $2 difference between me and the other guy. It's really a $7 difference because they offer a warranty with their locations. My warranty doesn't go in effect until the $37 plan. I think to me, maybe one of the problems is that I am paying too much for my locations to begin with. However, I also question this company and the speed/efficiency of how they work.

I guess my question is. Do I undercut the market, or differentiate myself?


Sunday, January 13, 2008

A little on Pricing

Bulk vending locations are a difficult product to price. First off let me tell you there are slim margins. However, I believe those margins can be greatly increased if I can eventually hire my own in house telemarketing staff.

Anyway, the prices now. I'll go over how I set my prices. First off I wanted to have some of the lowest prices in the industry. I think I have the lowest. So I started at a price point that would barely let me get by. $32. Was this a smart business decision? Well, I think it will help me gain market share quicker than would normally be possible.

So I started at the $32 price point. For that you can get a single or double head machine located by my company. This is what I call my "Silver Plan." With the $32 price point I don't include any warranty with the location. This means after the vendor places the machine at the location I no longer owe them anything.

I decided to make the next step up only $5. The goal was to make it an easy decision to purchase the most expensive package. Anyway for $37 I include a generous 45 day warranty with the location. This is my "Gold Plan." For only $5 that is a great deal I think!

Now, the final step up in this category is the "Platinum Plan." This plan is $42, only $10 more than the Silver Plan and you get a capacious warranty and replacement guarantee. Here you get a 90 replacement guarantee and a 2 year extended warranty. The extended warranty says that for a period of up to two years after your initial purchase we will replace the location for ANY reason for only $20. That is an Incredible deal in my mind. So there you see, $42 and you get a very generous warranty. Not a bad deal.

Remember, the above 3 plans are for single/double head machines. The prices are $32, $37, and $42 for the silver, gold, and platinum plans respectively.

However, if you visit my site you will notice that there is another column of products. These are for triple head machines. I still have 3 plans, silver, gold, and platinum and they essentially work the same way but the prices are $10 more for each plan. Meaning the silver plan is $42, the gold is $47 and the platinum is $52. The warranty and replacement guarantee are exactly the same.

Why you ask? Well, the truth is it takes the EXACT same amount of time to find a location for a single/double and triple head machine. So why would I charge more for the Triples? Well, more owners say no to the Triple head machine once the vendor brings it in to drop off. This means that I am stuck giving replacement locations more often on the Triple head machines than the singles/doubles.

I hope for any vendors reading this that they finally understand why we charge more for Triple head locations! When I was a vendor myself I hated when locators told me that they were going to charge me more for my Triples, but now I understand. A simple explanation was all that was needed! So here it is, enjoy!

Rob -

Saturday, January 12, 2008

My First Post

Well approximately two weeks ago I started http://www.kickstartlocations.com thinking that I could run my own locating company. Now I have been in bulk vending for approximately 6 months. I started with 10 machines and got all the way up to 100. You can check out my bulk vending blog at http://candyman007.blogspot.com which eventually turned into my forum that you can now visit at http://www.kickstartvending.com/forum Anyway...

I have 4 clients now. I might as well tell the names and problems right off the bat.

Hector - He lives in a town called Weston Florida. I have been having a lot of trouble finding him locations. The first 5 locations went through fine but after those it has been very hard to find them. I have a new girl working on Weston, FL on Monday! Let's hope!

Benjie - I'm working on him. I'm not sure where he lives because I just have zip codes. I found him one location and it got turned down and now we are working on more. It has been kind of difficult. But, I got more zip codes so we are working for him on Monday. Again, let's hope.

Rene - I have found him 5 locations and they are all good. No problems.

Now see, right here is why you know I have a problem. I have 4 clients and I only know 3 of them, lol. I need better records. Right now I just have been doing everything through email. What a mess! I need some type of client database. However, I have been saving everyone's email and inputting them into constantcontact.com that way I can send out newsletters and stuff. I have had approximately 10 inquires from my site http://www.kickstartlocations.com - From there you can fill out a form for more information. Like I said, 10 inquires so far.

My advertising budget has consisted of $25 so far for http://www.vendiscuss.com If you visit there you will see my banner. That is $25 a month. I need to start asking people where they heard about me. I also get referrals from http://www.gumball-machine.com I know the owner and we have become friends so he refers me business, great!

I had a client call me today and actually order 14 locations on the website but he has yet to pay for them. Again, let's hope!

There is so much to say but I'm going to stop there. Bulk vending locating is not quite as easy as I thought it would be, but there is a market out there, for sure! Talk soon, I hope I peek some interest out there.

Rob - The Locationator :p