Sunday, January 27, 2008

getting busy..

Well, I talked to two clients today, and it's a SATURDAY! Well, it is Sunday now, I'm up that late. Anyway, my first client wants two soda machines located.

If anyone out there is reading this. I need soda and snack machine locators. Help wanted!

I added the soda and snack option to my website because I didn't want to miss out on business, but then I realized I have no experience in this department! What to do? FIND PEOPLE WHO DO HAVE EXPERIENCE! That is what being a businessman is about, gathering those people whom have more knowledge and experience and tethering them to yourself. That's what I'm doing, I'm going to find myself a good soda and snack locator by Monday!

He hasn't paid yet, but he requested I send him a contract and he said he would do two machines for $250 each. Let's hope, he seems like a demanding client, just the kind I like!

Two or more updates on the website. The two big changes were the logo, now I'm using a crystal looking globe, and I changed a banner in the site. Anyway, the site is looking much better!

I just realized I have 5 clients that I'm working on right now! This is getting crazy. Did I mention I'm getting my MBA right now? That I have graduate business school full time?! Thank God I don't have another job. Wish me luck.

Robert Patterson, President

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